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Point Cloud Vertical Projection not supported using Extract LAS tool

11-21-2023 01:27 AM
Labels (3)
Esri Contributor

I'm trying to reproject a pojnt cloud (las file) from UTM30N to HS2 Survey Grid (local UK projection). This also included a vertical datum shift. I was attempting to use the Extract LAS tool and setting the output coordinates horizontal and vertical in the environment setting. The horizontal conversion works OK but the z values were not changed. 

I then saw this message in the tool help

"The input point cloud can have its horizontal coordinate system reprojected into a different spatial reference by specifying the Output Coordinate System environment setting. Additionally, z-unit conversions can be achieved by ensuring that the vertical units are defined through a vertical coordinate system. However, a vertical datum transformation is not currently supported. You must ensure that any horizontal coordinate system conversion can maintain the original vertical coordinate system."


Does anyone know another solution for projecting point clouds to a different vertical coordinate system?
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