I need to copy polygons from one layer and paste them into another feature layer using Paste Special.
When I copy a polygon and click Paste Special, I get the error "No suitable template found." Also, [Special Paste] may be grayed out and cannot be clicked.
How can I paste it?
What I confirmed by looking at similar questions:
Both data sources are shapes.
No layers are created from the selected features.
I am selecting using Map-Select-Square or Edit-Select-Square.
Just to verify, you are trying to copy a polygon into a polygon correct? I noticed your description only says both are shapes.
yes. I'm trying to copy polygon to polygon.
Sometimes I copy point to point, but it doesn't work the same way.
Is your data using coded values?
Additionally, the data you are trying to copy into, does it have symbology based on unique values?
The same result will be obtained whether the field contains data, data that does not contain data, or data that does not have a field itself.
A symbol is a simple symbol.
I haven't set any definition queries either.
I'm just copying and pasting features to other layers like I used to do in ArcMap.
Here’s documentation for creating feature templates.
If that process doesn’t resolve the issue, it sounds like there’s either something wrong with the data or it’s a permission issue when it comes to editing, especially if you’re not having this issue with other data.
This problem occurs with various types of data.
- Error "No suitable template found."
-Grayed out and unable to paste
There is a difference though.
So, if you really need to copy and paste
-Copy and paste with ArcMap
- Duplicate and edit each shape
-Trace only the necessary parts using "Create Features"
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