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OSM files import to ArcGis Pro

05-24-2017 02:24 AM
Deactivated User

hi how can i import .osm files in ArcGis Pro?

7 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

The best way to import OpenStreetMap data in .osm XML format, is to use ESRI's "ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap": 

This toolbox has powerful options to import the data, including full support for OSM multipolygon relations.

NOTE(!): Unfortunately, there is not yet a "Pro" version of this toolbox, so you can't use it in ArcGIS Pro and import directly in Pro.

However, this is not a big issue: use ArcMap to import the data into a File Geodatabase, and then simply open the File Geodatabase in Pro, or first style your data in ArcMap also, and then import the ArcMap *.mxd document in Pro using Pro's options for importing ArcMap documents.

As to the Editor:

I strongly recommend you to use the new "OSM File Loader (Load only)" tool to import the data if you do not intend to edit the data in ArcMap and contribute back to OSM using the upload options. The "OSM File Loader (Load only)" tool supports ESRI's Parallel Processing environment setting, meaning it can take advantage of multi-core processing. This is much faster than the "Load OSM File" tool, but this latter tool is needed in case you intend to contribute back, or desire to create a Geometric Network of the OSM data for routing purposes, as it will load additional relationship information into the File Geodatabase that the "OSM File Loader (Load only)" skips (but please note the "OSM File Loader (Load only)" does load OSM multipolygon relations).

Deactivated User

hi Marco thank for your help.

But now i have a new problem and i hope you can help me again 😃

I´ve done the import as a Layer(Buildings) import, how can i connect this layer (Buildings) to the Surveys for a viewshed analysis? 


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MVP Regular Contributor

I have no idea what you mean with the "Surveys". Please explain.

However, generally speaking, viewshed analysis requires a DEM (Digital Elevation Model), or DSM (Digital Surface Model, with buildings and trees removed) in a raster format, usually created with LIDAR.

You can then use that raster together with some input features, like your buildings, as being the "observer points", in the ArcGIS Viewshed tool that probably needs the Spatial Analyst extension activated to work.

Anyway, I see the observer input can be either points or polylines according to the Help. So you probably need to convert the polygons of the buildings to points first, e.g. using the Feature To Point tool.


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Deactivated User

At first my job is a vewshed analyse about five wind turbines in a area of some citys.

i start a viewshed analyse with the ready to use tool (viewshed) and the Picture is the result.

The Problem is the programm only use the DEM in the background and not the layer with the buildings.

The question is how can i connect or implement the buildings to the DEM? So the analyses have to account the Buildings?



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MVP Regular Contributor


So, if I interpret your last message and the accompanying picture well, your goal of the viewshed analysis is to analyze the visual impact of the turbines on the surrounding landscape, and to know from which locations they are visible or not.

In addition, you would like to include buildings, as they are higher than the landscape, and e.g. people living in houses behind a flat, may not be impacted by the wind turbine, as they already sit behind a visual barrier.

Well, the only way to achieve this with the standard Viewshed tool, is to include the buildings in your DEM. Rasterize the buildings and in the process assing them a (standard?) height, e.g. using the Polygon To Raster tool. Then use the Raster Calculator to add the building height to the DEM. Use the new DEM for your viewshed analysis.


Deactivated User

thanks for your fast help

yes you interpret it right

now i try to do it as you told me put my polygon to raster (it dont know the right parameter). and then raster to calculator. the problem is the height is not right. do you know this problem? i dont know what´s wrong?

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MVP Regular Contributor


A couple of things to mind if you are doing this:

- Buildings are inherently small (especially houses), compared to the extent of your DEM. In order to fatefully capture their height and integrate it in the DEM and be able to use it in the viewshed analysis, you will need to rasterize the buildings to a very fine level, e.g. a raster cell size of 2x2 meter, or even 1x1 meter. Set the relevant raster size at conversion.

- Unless you have DEM matching that level of detail (e.g. LIDAR based), it will be more difficult to get accurate results, especially if the terrain has much relief. E.g. imagine combining a 50x50 meter DEM with a 2x2 meter raster of your buildings, the height of buildings may be "lost" in the inaccuracy of the DEM.

- You can of course save a less accurate DEM (e.g. 30x30 meter) to a finer detail, e.g. by smoothing the DEM and at the same time use a 2x2 meter output size, which will give you a more accurate "base" for combining with the higher detail dataset, but it won't solve all issues of a lesser quality DEM.

- I can't interpret your image well, what "height" did you use for the buildings? Building height in OSM, as you probably know by now, is very spotty. Only few buildings have height attached to them, except some imported dataset in specific cities. So you will generally need to rely on some "base height" you think is suitable.

- Take care of different units! ArcGIS will not magically convert a DEM from e.g. feet to meters for you, if you combine it with a raster with building heights in meters.


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