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Older Basemaps

10-02-2023 02:09 PM
Frequent Contributor

Hi, I was given the task of updating a report map, and I don't see the basemap that was used available on the Basemap options. 

Does anyone recognize this basemap, and if so where could I find it? 




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2 Replies
Honored Contributor

So you don't have a copy of the project file that created that map?

For the most part, it looks a lot like the old ESRI Streets base map but the orange, green, and yellow areas are likely vector layers overlaid onto it with transparency. Unfortunately, the raster version of the Streets basemap has been retired in favor of the vector basemap version so I think you'd be hard pressed to replicate it exactly.

You could try using the Vector Tile Style Editor and trying to tweak the current Streets basemap to look like this older version. There's a story map linked in this ESRI blog post that walks you through this process.

Frequent Contributor

Hi @SteveCole, I don't unfortunately. But thanks for your reply, it is very helpful.