Using the geoprocessing tool Convert Coordinate Notation to create MGRS coordinates in the table now generates a MGRS coordinate with 16 digits. The norm for MGRS is 10 digits giving a 1m accuracy. This change har been noted at Pro 2.6 and 2.7. Are there any non documented methods to return the result to 10 digits? There doesn't seem to be any settings to override the non-usable 16 digit format.
Convert Coordinate Notation (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
You can access both help topics for 2.6 and 2.7 there.
I didn't notice off-hand whether there were any changes in the parameter defaults or the outputs. But examine that first.
In nothing applies, then there is either a defect in the help topic or you have an "issue" for Tech Support
It's an actual reported bug (Bug BUG-000134942).
My question is more in relation to if anyone has established a work-around for this issue to use until ESRI resolves it.
BUG number.
Useful to the question for sure
Sebastien - I researched the internals on the BUG-000134942. Currently there is no workaround in ArcGIS Pro and hopefully will be resolved in a future release. Something you can do is contact Esri Support Services and associate your customer ID with the BUG. That way you'll get updates.
Contact is already established with local ESRI support 🙂 👍
I'm using a two-step workaround for now:
1. Select 'MGRS' as the output coordinate system and pull out only the '48PUV' part
2. Run again and select 'UTM' as the output coordinate system. The resulting value in the 'UTM' field looks like:
48 N 377299 1483035
Take the final 5 digits of each of the two numbers at the end and append them on to the '48PUV', giving you the MGRS coordinate of:
Buyer beware / test before using / etc. Quick site for comparing coordinates in testing: