I am trying to iterate some feature classes (polygons) and Cropscape national rasters for several years and clip them and name them as PName_RName (polygon name _ raster name) then build a raster attribute table for each iteration. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Would appreciate any help.
Polygons and GDB
Master Model
Polygon Iteration
Raster Iteration
Can you explain further why you need 2 iterators? Say you have 10 polygons - is your expected output 1 rater for each year of data (i.e. if there are 10 polygons and 10 years of data you would expect an output of 100 rasters)?
Yes, If there are 10 polygons and 10 national rasters for each year, you would have 100 individual clipped rasters.
looks to me like you only need 1 iterator to run through each of the features in your polygon feature class.