Hi all!
I 'm new to Arc Gis World and are facing few issues,
1st: How does editng a hosted layer in ArcGISPro works? like it downloads a copy and we make our changes and publish that layer again ? or can we replace the existing one ? ( know i can edit a hosted layer on ESRI online but that's not working in my case, it only allow me to add features and then when i add lat and longitude data it does nothing). Please advise the right steps how can i achieve this ?
2nd: IF i have a hosted point feature layer which has features in attribute table but those points are not visible on map (not being plotted, i have tried adding their lat and long but still don't work) how can i plot that data as point features on map ? is this can be done in ESRI or ArcGIsPro ?
Any help would be highly appreciated!
Hosted layer in ArcGIS Pro works almost similar to the feature class in gdb or shp. You must copy in the hosted url to your ArcGIS Pro. Here is a simple step from PinDrop Education Partner Add Data (URL) - ArcGIS Pro (youtube.com)
To add lat and longitude cannot be added simply in the table, you can use the toolbox Calculate Geometry using existing fields since you are in the hosted layer, it cannot add another field automatically. Calculate Geometry Attributes (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
If your point is not visible please recheck what table do you use? a normal table or a feature class table.
Please read the fundamentals of GIS, it helps you understand basic GIS. I am guessing that you tried to create a point directly by adding the values x,y in the table directly.
Hope it helps you,
Thanks Alexander for your detailed answer,i probably couldn't explain my aim properly. I did use Add X Y coordinates Tool to add my xy coordinates but the issue was my basemap coordinatiion system was different than the layer's coordination's system. When i updated that by deleting both and then readding them, the map appeared. And in regards to editing a hosted layer i meant i wasn't really sue if i 'm editing data the right way, like if i want to make any changes to any layer in AGOL i download a copy in ARC Pro and after making the changes i publis that layer again, bcz i AGOL the Append data option is geyed out, it only lets me add new data.