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My layouts don't show any layers, including basemap

Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor


Working in Pro 3.2.2. I just re-opened a project I haven't worked on in a few months and most of my layouts are empty. The legend, scale bar, etc., are there, but the map frame just shows a blank. When I turn layers on and off they are reflected in the legend, but there's nothing in the map frame. This is the case for 5 out of 6 Layouts. For some reason, one of them is still fine and shows my basemap, layers, etc.

When I'm in the Map tab, everything is there and visible. I tried the basic restart of Pro and my computer. I can just create new layouts, but I wish I didn't have to. Has anyone seen this? Any ideas?

Thank you!!

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2 Replies
New Contributor III

Have you checked to see if the Layout is still pointing to the correct Map?

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MVP Regular Contributor

I’d definitely start with this.

The good news is that the most you have to do to fix this is either just repoint the map frame to the right map OR, if all else fails, delete the map frame and redraw it/maybe repoint your dynamo text, etc. to it.

You absolutely should not have to completely recreate your layouts.

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