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Map Scroll Bars

02-11-2021 11:18 AM
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New Contributor III

How do I turn on my map scroll bars in Pro?

12 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Andrew - first, a caveat - I do not work on the ArcGIS Pro Development Team so cannot speak for why/why not of developed vs. undeveloped functionality.  In the current release of ArcGIS Pro, 3.0.3, I do not see scroll bars on the Map or Layout view but do have tools to navigate like one did in ArcMap through arrow keys and the Navigator.  I did see some related ArcGIS Pro Ideas about scroll bars but not likely the specific funtionality you're requesting.  My suggestion is to create an ArcGIS Idea so it gets visibility from the ArcGIS Pro Dev Team.

New Contributor II

If you create this as an Idea you'll have my vote! The not well documented PgUp, PgDn, Home, End and that heading compass provide a kind of workaround, but the scroll bar UI metaphor has been around since Xerox PARC. I don't know why ESRI has decided to remove them in favour of navigation methods requiring keyboard-mouse combinations, half of which feel like software Easter eggs.