Line Decorations in ArcPro

10-13-2015 09:40 AM
Occasional Contributor II

Ok so I am used to ArcGIS and trying to force myself to learn all the common items in ArcPro, can someone help direct me where to set up line decorations in ArcPro?  I need to add a directionality arrow to the end of my lines.  In ArcGIS I would go into the Symbol Property Editor, goto the Line Properties tab, then I could select a line decoration.  This would then show a single line with an arrow at the end showing direction.

Where is this in ArcPro?  I found line properties and I see you can add effects, one being an arrow effect but I do not want a double line, just the arrow on the end.  Anyone know what effect that is or where I should be looking if it is not in the effects?

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

I got it, they treat the markers as layers in the properties.  I guess easier but also completely different method for adding

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

There are several pre-defined arrow styles in the Gallery as well, which I find sometimes easier to use one of those and then modify it rather than modifying the default.

Occasional Contributor II

Thanks, yeah I found those and then saw how it was handled in ArcPro.  Just takes a little getting used to when you have been using ArcGIS for a while.

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