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Label calculates average when zoomed out

11-04-2021 09:38 AM
Occasional Contributor

Is it possible to make labels calculate averages for a few points near each other as I zoom out? So, when I'm zoomed in and can see the points near each other separately (not on top of each other), the label adjusts and gives me a label for each individual points. However, when I zoom out on the city, its gives me averages of the points near each other. And when I zoom out and have the entire country view, it gives me average of each state or group of points. Is that something possible to do with labels in ArcGIS Pro?

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3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Labels for point features—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

with the standard or maplex interface, you can see what is available.  I suspect that "nice" would require some serious coding

... sort of retired...
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MVP Alum

AFAIK, it's not possible with labels directly.

I would do it with Feature Binning.

This way, your points get aggregated into polygons dynamically when you zoom out:

If you don't like the polygons, you can style them to show a point marker in their center, so that it looks like a point layer.

And then you just use the calculated mean of the polygons as labels.

Have a great day!
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Esri Contributor

Clustering Aggregation handles this well. By default, clustering is based on the point count, but that can be adjusted.

After turning on clustering on a point layer, activate the Clustering tab on the ribbon and click Summary Statistics. The Summary Statistics panel is where to specify summary fields such as Mean. Once the new statistic field is created, it can be used as the Summary Field in the symbology, as well as in the Cluster text. Cluster labels are only placed on top of the cluster point.

Features that are not part of a cluster are labeled with the standard labeling properties which provide the full range of label placement positions and placement options.

Clustering combines features based on their proximity to one another and doesn't take into consideration any separate areas such as states. To show the number of points inside each state, use the Summarize Within tool to aggregate the number of points in each state. This creates a new polygon layer with a new attribute containing the number of points. Display/label that states polygon layer at small scales instead of clustered points.  

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