I've run the Kernel Density tool a bunch of times with the Raster Mask set to a specific layer in the Environments settings yet my output continues to extend beyond the mask. My troubleshooting has led nowhere (see gis.stackexchange question)... Any ideas as to why my kernel density output would produce such weird behavior? See below screenshot, raster mask outlined in red...
There is just a screen grab there.
What trouble shooting are you referring to?
Not sure what your confusion is? The screenshot shows a massive area included in the output (the big black area) that is outside the environment raster mask (outlined in red)... I have used a raster mask many times with kernel density successfully... I'm asking for information why the output would extend beyond the mask?
little things, like
It was definitely a projection issue... specifically the order which I projected then interpolated... but I'm still unclear as to why the output would be so completely outside of the mask? Thanks for the suggestions.
When things are a projection issue... all bets on plausible explanations are off