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Keep Domains in New Database After Transferring Data from Old Database

06-27-2023 11:51 AM
Occasional Contributor II

Hey all,

I am in the process of trying to copy all features from Database A to Database B. Database A and B have different domains but I want to keep the domains from Database B after copying features from Database A.

I have tried using the following tools:

  • Copy: this tool copies everything (domains, schema, etc.) from Database A and applies it to Database B 
  • Feature Class to Feature Class: copies domains from Database A and applies it to Database B
  • Feature Class to Geodatabase:  doesn't bring domains over but I don't want to have to re-apply the domains
  • Truncate and Append: Seems to work but is this the best practice? Makes me a bit nervous about deleting all the data in the new database and then appending.


Any suggestions would be helpful - Thanks!


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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

One workflow that would strip out attribute domains is run the the Feature Class to Shapefile GP tool first.  Then run the Feature Class to Feature Class GP tool second using the shapefile as the input parameter.  Would this accomplish what you're asking?

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