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Iterate Create fishnet in model builder

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3 weeks ago
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Frequent Contributor

I am working with a run off analysis. I have made multiple run off lines with small corrections in the elevation models for every calculation. The result are multiple run off lines that spread out, probably more realistic, in especially flat areas.

I want to summarize these lines in a raster, was thinking of doing this via a fishnet and the "summary within"-command. 

Isolated, this works fine. See illustrations belowe:

Run off lines as vectordata:


Run off lines summarized in 1x1 meter polygons:


I tried to make a fish net for my complete area. That generated a enormous big dataset, almost 90GB. Very slow to work with.

To handle this better, I plan to split my area into 1 km2 polygons. Run the analysis for each square and add the results to a final dataset.

I have tried to do my analyisis in model builder. Works fine with one square. To do this more efficient, I have tried to iterate the model. I have both tried the "Iterate feature selection" and the "Iterate feature classes".


Explanation of the model:Forklaring av stega: 

Iterate feature selection. Input data are the 1 km2 squares that covers my study area. I tried to export each squarekm2 feature to a new featureclass for every iteration. Found a tip at community.

Create Fishnet: This does not work. Or, it works. But it runs with the same extent for every iteration. 


I have also tried to set the environment-extent from the iteration, with no other result.

The next steps in the model are just to reduse the final number of features and do the "summarize within"-command.

Is it not possible to iterate the create fishnet and get a fishnet for a new area for each iteration?

I just get the same fishnet added on top of the ones I have already created. Found some old post online. They end up with Python. Which I am not that familiar with.


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1 Solution

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Frequent Contributor

As far as I have found out, with help from Norwegian ESRI distributor, it is not possible to iterate the fishnet-tool with a polygon layer changing the extent input.
I think thats the answer.

View solution in original post

3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

If you are trying to use 1 km x 1 km zones to "summarize" something, what is it actually you are trying to summarize?  Normally I would look at the zonal functions in the Spatial Analyst extension, for example

Zonal Statistics (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation


... sort of retired...
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Frequent Contributor

I just tried to explain the entire prosess. Summarize tools works as expected. But I am not able to use the 1km x 1 km as extent-input to the create fishnet-tool when I try to Iterate.

Hope this explains the problems better. 

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Frequent Contributor

As far as I have found out, with help from Norwegian ESRI distributor, it is not possible to iterate the fishnet-tool with a polygon layer changing the extent input.
I think thats the answer.