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Issue with Make Query Table tool...are there others in Pro?

04-19-2018 12:19 PM
Regular Contributor

My organization has identified a couple bugs in the Make Query Table tool (Data Management Toolbox) while trying to import model from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro. This issue was recreated by Esri support staff (thanks to them for their quick work!) and captured as three separate bugs.

  • BUG-000113317 : Unable to double-click to select fields from the autocomplete list when building a query in SQL mode within the Make Query Table tool.
  • BUG-000113318 : The Make Query Table tool returns the error, "Fields do not match", for valid SQL expressions when working with enterprise geodatabase input.
  • BUG-000113319 : The warning "The expression can't be edited in Clause mode" appears unexpectedly in the Make Query Table tool.

I’d like to think that this is one of few such issues with toolbox commands that was not caught in testing by Esri staff. What I’m curious about is if anyone has found issues with other toolbox commands? Just preparing myself mentally for the size of the challenge when it comes to migrating models from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

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Hi Ulf,

I'm also having problems using the Make Query Table tool in Pro's Model Builder. I did not import this model from Arc, but am building it from scratch.

Basically, I want to be able to make the query a parameter of the tool, so users can select a certain date subset of data to use. The tool will run fine the first time in Model Builder, but after saving I can no longer change the expression using a parameter variable. I get the the "can't be edited in Clause mode" warning you mentioned, as well as an error about the expression not being able to be initialized. It looks like this is because the Clause is populated be the input data set choices, and the Model doesn't have access to this information until the process starts running, so there is no way to construct the parameter beforehand. I'm researching it further and trying different methods.

Frustratingly, the only reason I'm using this tool is because the Add Join tool does not honor the layer properties definition query on tables the way it did in ArcMap, so I have to use Make Query Table first. I currently have a case with ESRI Support to get this other bug documented (and maybe fixed?).

I'll let you know what I find, but wanted to 'bump' this thread in case others are also struggling with this tool.

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#BUG-000129778 Make Query Table tool does not allow clause mode editing of SQL expression parameter


#BUG-000129607 Add join does not correctly honor definition query on join table

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