It happens quite often that when opening an ArcGIS Pro project, the link to an ArcGIS Server layer is broken because there is a problem with the server. Currently, it takes a very long time (> 10 minutes) until the project opens and the layer displays with a broken link. I found another post addressing this issue:
Is there a way for setting a maximum waiting time for a layer with broken links? This would be great.
@BarbaraSchneider2 Did you ever figure out what the issue was? I'm struggling with the same problem in Pro 3.2.2. I don't recall ever having a problem with projects opening more slowly when items have broken links in the past.
no, I didn't figure it out. However, I'm in the Beta Testing program for ArcGIS Pro 3.3, and I tried to open a project with a broken link to a gdb on a remote machine. The project opens fast. So I conclude that this issue is fixed in version 3.3.
At my work the problem delay isn't with file geodatabase but with SQL database connections. So I hope that that's fixed too.