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I am using ArcMap 10.6.1. Here is the problem I am having: I have georastered a .jpeg of a campus map I am making. Once I georastered, the map image became slanted. I have tried to rotate it, etc. It still looks slanted. It prints this way, too. How can I

04-09-2019 02:50 PM
New Contributor

this is what is happening

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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Imagery and Remote Sensing‌ is the forum for you. I think you meant georeferenced?  I suggest removing your georeferencing and starting again from scratch, being careful with setting up your control points (remember, image > map) and not updating georeferencing until you know your links are good, based on the statistics shown for the links.

Before you start again, it probably would be good to re-read the help:

MVP Esteemed Contributor

I found this youtube video that walks you through the process, though he probably uses more control points than needed

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