I have a new requirement that, in some 200+ ArcGIS Feature Services on Server 10.6.1 (They are not hosted via a PTL), they all get an "ELEVATION" field and users will somehow magically populate the elevation using a local, Lidar-derived DEM (so it can't be the AGOL elevation service).
Here's what's not going to work:
Use Extract Values to Points (which creates another FC), join back to the original feature service, calculate field using RASTERVALUE: To many steps, users mostly stop understanding the workflow after the word "join". GIS is not these folks job, they GPS some things, add the points to a feature service, need to know the elevation...
The requirement is the Lidar-derived elevation, not the GPS one
Z-enabling everything. Not possible in our environment, nor feasible given the number of SDE feature classes we'd have to modify.
Can't use SQL on the back end like
ELEVATION = (SELECT pdata.getValueByLoc(1,p.SHAPE.Long,p.SHAPE.Lat) FROM [dbo].[DEM10MP]),
which uses ST_RASTER, an unsafe assembly which we're not allowed to use.
Surely someone (many hundreds in fact) have had this requirement....and solved it? Some python toolbox is out there somewhere......
I haven't checked but would Add Surface Information—Help | ArcGIS Desktop work with the services?
yes and no, the problem is I then have to script, or otherwise automate, the calculation of Z for each new point added.
Based on arcpy - Extracting value of raster for specific points (with X and Y coord) and write to column in A... I baked the code sample into a toolbox which seems to be working well based on a morning of comparing tool results to spot checks:
import arcpy
import numpy as np
update_feature_class = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
source_dem= arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
elev_attrib= arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)
rast = arcpy.Raster(source_dem)
desc = arcpy.Describe(rast)
ulx = desc.Extent.XMin
uly = desc.Extent.YMax
lly = desc.Extent.YMin
sr = desc.spatialReference
rstArray = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(rast)
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(update_feature_class,["SHAPE@",elev_attrib]) as uc:
for row in uc:
pnt = row[0].projectAs(sr)
#assuming every point falls to the left and below uperleft corner
deltaX = pnt.centroid.X - ulx
deltaY = lly- pnt.centroid.Y
arow = int(deltaY/rast.meanCellHeight)
acol = int(deltaX/rast.meanCellWidth)
row[1] = rstArray[arow,acol]