Hello all,
I am looking for a way to split all the layers in my ArcGIS Project and export them, grouped by a unique attribute value common to all layers, such that each exported file retains the symbology/labels of the original layers.
I have map in a project file with 3 national polygon layers and 2 data tables:
1. County Boundaries
2. ZIP Code Boundaries
3. Census Tract Boundaries
4. ZIP Code data table
5. Census Tract data table
The ZIP Code data table is joined 1-to-1 with the ZIP Code boundary layer and the Census Tract data table is joined 1-to-1 with the Census Tract boundary layer. In the attribute table for each polygon layer, I have a common region indicator, i.e. "State".
I want to split all three layers by State (AL, AK, AZ, etc.) and save them to a file so that each file contains the three layers and associated joined data fields, but with only the features for that state. I also want the files to retain the symbology/labels of the national layers when opened in ArcGIS Pro. What is the best way to do this? I assume each file should be saved as it's own Map Package File (.mpkx)?
Thank you!