I want to automate the creation of a set of vector tile caches, but each VTPK will be of a different map extent. I can manually change the map extent via the "Map Properties" dialog to "Use a customer extent". But I want to do that in my python script.
How do I do this? Or, is the "best" way to create vector tile cache index polygons and reference that in the "create vector tile cache"?
Looks like the Create Vector Tile Package tool will honor the map's extent as defined in the extent tab of the map settings, per this post: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-pro-ideas/define-vector-tile-package-extent/idc-p/941775#M5802
You can set the extent using the setExtent function on Camera object, but I am not sure if this will change the actual map's defining bounds or just the current display: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/arcpy/mapping/camera-class.htm
Hi @JohnFix2
Did you end ud finding a way to set the custom map extent using arcpy ?