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How to publish from a Tiff an esriImageServiceDataTypeElevation with ArcGIS Pro with basic License?

09-08-2023 06:21 AM
Regular Contributor

Hello, someone knows if is possible?


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3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

I am not sure that this is limited by the license level in ArcGIS Pro.

Does the ArcGIS Enterprise that you are publishing to have Imager Server authorized and configured?

Are you getting an error? If so, please post what it is.

Are you trying to publish the Tiff as an Image Service?

Need more information to provide support.

--- George T.
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Regular Contributor

Thank you for your help George,


We did not have any error, that was just a question, how to do that.


But we already managed to do that with ArcGIS PRO.

We just clicked Ribbon->Map->Add Data->Add Elevation Surface Layer. 

We set it as "Ground".

We rightclicked on the name and we "Share ist as Web Layer" publishing it as "Layer Type: Elevation" with Tiling Schema "ArcGIS Online".

Everything worked.


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Esri Notable Contributor

Ok, so it seems you have everything configured as needed.

--- George T.
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