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How to keep Standalone table relations after reprojecting layers?

08-16-2022 01:50 PM
Labels (3)
Emerging Contributor

I have a feature layer in AGO that is in an incorrect coordinate system and needs to be reprojected, but the existing standalone data tables cause issues. What I need to do is reproject from Stateplane Illinois to Stateplane Michigan south in Pro, but using the reproject tool makes new layers that are no longer connected to existing standalone tables. 


In order to overwrite the AGO service with the fixed data, I would need to keep all these tables in place properly - or recreate them all I suppose - but I have also had issues fixing the relates in doing so. I'm just wondering if someone has a good solution to this? What is the best way to keep data table relates when transforming data into a different projection? Thanks

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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

@ThomasHamming unfortunately as you discovered, when you reproject data a new dataset is created. I don't believe there is a way around keeping the related tables together during this process.

You will need to recreate the relates after the reprojection process has been completed.

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