I am a completely new user, never used ArcGIS Pro before. I am trying to import a GeoTIFF image file and then end up with a Shapefile i can use in another software. Any help with this is much appreciated.
is the tiff fairly simple? if it is an image like an airphoto, then skip it. but conversion tools are in arctoolbox some tools require an advanced license however
well i have been playing around with a couple of images, one a satellite image and the other a stitched image from our drone.
How do i even use the conversion tools, nothing seems to work form me.
You cannot create a vector directly from a satellite image using the conversion tools because the pixel values are too random and areas are too small for grouping.
You need to do Image Classification first. Once done, you could Reclassify to create the LULC classes.
Then you can convert the raster to vector Raster to Polygon—Conversion toolbox | ArcGIS for Desktop
The image classification button is greyed out for the satellite image.
Either you don't have the Spatial Analyst extension or you didn't enable it since it requires SA
an example classifier