I was just looking into this issue to make a method for staff I support to harmonize symbology across different DEM tiles and I found a solution. It is a crappy solution, but par for the course.
• With the raster symbolized as you have it, right click on the raster in the Contents Panel and select "Sharing -> Save As Layer File"
• Navigate to where you saved the layer file and open the file in Notepad++ or Notepad
• Look for this block of text (or use the find function and search for the minimum value), note this is from my work:
"stretchClasses" : [
"type" : "CIMRasterStretchClass",
"label" : "80",
"value" : 80
"type" : "CIMRasterStretchClass",
"value" : 681.34516143796498
"type" : "CIMRasterStretchClass",
"label" : "1125.19",
"value" : 1125.1899414062
The first label and value will be the minimum, the middle pair appears to be the halfway point between the min and max (I should go and update the new middle point, above shows the original middle point)m and the third pair is your max values. You can set these values as you'd like and save the lyr file.
After making these changes you can select the hamburger from the upper right of the symbology and select "Import from Layer File" and select your modified layer file and the new stretch will occur.