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How to create an approximate line that will represent the route of movement based on points Feature Layer

01-30-2024 05:07 AM
Emerging Contributor


I need to create a line that will represent the route of movement.

I have a lot of points in Point Feature Class and I need to create an approximate line. I cannot snap points to the traffic roads because the point can be in the area that is forest and there is no visible or known path/roads.

I was thinking about grouping points and then connecting the groups with lines.

If anyone has any idea, it would be highly appreciated.






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I did the same task in MS Excel with the trend line function. So I can suggest you exporting your point coordinates to Excel file (xlsx or csv format) and after that building the trend line function. It will have the mathematical equation, so theoretically it can be used to calculated the several coordinates of the trend line points. And finally get them back to the ArcGIS Pro, where you can make the polyline from these trend points.

It sounds cumbersome and long but it may help you.

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