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How to change distance units of a MapTool in Pro 3.1

05-02-2023 01:57 PM
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Occasional Contributor

I have been working with updating a couple of height mensuration MapTools in Pro from 2.X to 3.1 and I just noticed the new running distance (and angle) measurement callout that appears associated with the line as you track a line, which is a very nice feature.  However, I also noticed that the units of the callout appear to always be in meters.  I need to be able to change these units based on distance unit settings that have been defined by the user.  Is there a way to programmatically change them to feet for example (or some other units), like you can change the various units of the project?  I was also wondering what method of measurement is being used for the running distance in the callout (geodesic, planar, etc.), because my two mensuration MapTools are returning completely different results?  As an example, I measured the shadow length of the Washington Monument, which is 555 feet, and I was getting a distance that was off by about 6 meters or close to 20 feet.  I am not sure what the discrepancy is between my measurements and the running measurement that is associated with each MapTool.  I would appreciate any insight into this dilemma.

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

This might help with the first part of your question:

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Occasional Contributor


It is nice to know that these mensuration options exist, but unfortunately they do not help me.  I need to make changes programmatically to custom C# MapTools that I have developed, and these options do not affect what is displayed in these tools.  I am still seeing the default "meters" distance units that I want to change to "feet" (or remove all together).  Is there any way to programmatically change or remove these running distance pop-up units that are displayed with MapTools in 3.1?

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