I'm not finding a means to create centroid points from a polygon layer. Any ideas where I would find this function in AGP?
Solved! Go to Solution.
You might find this useful: Feature To Point—Data Management toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop
You might find this useful: Feature To Point—Data Management toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop
I know how to do it in Arcmap. I'm trying to switch to AGP and would like to know how to do it in AGP. Otherwise I'll just stick with Arcmap if AGP is not functional for my needs. Making this transition has been a challenge and if it isn't totally functional is is wasting my time.
Ummm... the link I posted gets you to the ArcGIS Pro online help...
Joe is correct, this tool is most definately in ArcGIS Pro, and has been for some time. Just go to the Analysis tab and open the tools, then search for "Feature To Point".
Ok...thanks! I saw Arcmap and thought that was what you meant. Got it. Things are so buried in AGP that I often just can't find what I'm looking for. Thank you!
I'm wondering if anyone knows how to do this in Avenue? I'm stuck...
I can send you an AML of it, but don't have it for Avenue, Sorry