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How do I choose a pre-saved font style for a label or inserted text on Layout?

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07-25-2023 01:14 PM
New Contributor II

In ArcMap I had set up some standard/default text/font styles to use whenever I was labelling (either with Labels, or Annotations or just text on the Layout) for example streams and roads and such. So setting the font type, colour, size and orientation (left, middle, right).

I know in "Pro" there are Styles and I can add to my Favorite Style but I cant see where I then choose one of those when I am adding a text element.

1 Solution

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Esri Contributor

As you've noted, the launcher arrow in the Graphics and Text group of the Insert ribbon tab opens the settings to set the project Default Graphic Element Text Symbol style. This style is used for all new graphic text created in the project and I generally keep this set to the text style I use most often. 


Once you've added text to the layout you can use the style gallery in the Text ribbon tab to assign styles to selected graphic text. Once I have a text on my layout in the styles for my map, I'll often copy paste (or ctrl + drag) existing layout text with my desired style and update the text and position it where I need. 


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7 Replies
Esri Contributor

The Labeling ribbon contains the text symbol style gallery.

Select the label class in the table of contents, then click the Labeling ribbon. The text symbol style gallery is in the Text Symbol group.



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New Contributor II

Hi Jesse.

I see that for Labels but what when I just want to insert some text on the layout? - Using the Insert ribbon and then the Graphics and Text to choose Straight Text or Box Text or something. As I have found - to choose which type of text style I want I have to first click the little Properties arrow and then go in and then set the Default Graphic Element Symbols. It works but man its clunky (but then it is "Pro" so what do I expect but clunkyness). 

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Esri Contributor

As you've noted, the launcher arrow in the Graphics and Text group of the Insert ribbon tab opens the settings to set the project Default Graphic Element Text Symbol style. This style is used for all new graphic text created in the project and I generally keep this set to the text style I use most often. 


Once you've added text to the layout you can use the style gallery in the Text ribbon tab to assign styles to selected graphic text. Once I have a text on my layout in the styles for my map, I'll often copy paste (or ctrl + drag) existing layout text with my desired style and update the text and position it where I need. 


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New Contributor II

Thanks - that's slightly easier to use the Text ribbon tab. Still, pretty sure it requires more mouse-clicks than ArcMap but that is the Pro-theme...

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New Contributor III

Where do I find text symbols for graphics that aren't in the map frame? The above works for labels and graphic text within an activated layout. But what about text that is just on the page itself (such as a title)? I cannot for the life of me figure out how to apply a saved style to these. Selecting the title activates the Text ribbon, but there is no option there to apply a style that I have saved, either there or in the Element panel. The only option to change the symbology is manually via the Element panel.

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Esri Contributor

@Public_HealthObservatory, when a layout text element such as a title is selected, use the style gallery in the Text ribbon to apply a pre-defined style to the selected text.



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New Contributor III

Ok I was having some weird issues because that's EXACTLY what I was doing, and these options would not come up - I was only getting part of the text ribbon. I could see from other posts what it was supposed to look like, and it did not look like this (the area you have in the red box was completely missing). It's working as expected now, so I feel dumb, but that wouldn't be the first time Pro has gaslit me haha. Thanks for the reply!

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