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High level process for creating elevation surface from tifs for local query AND image service

04-12-2023 12:13 PM
Regular Contributor

My org has locally over 2k tifs from SRTM in an S3 bucket - curious if someone could point me to a high level workflow / steps to achieve the following. 

1. Local querying (via arcpy or Pro) to pass in feature classes to assign elevation values to points.  I assume this has something to do with creating a mosaic dataset / DEM surface, and then referencing that in Pro / arcpy workflows, but that is where my knowledge stops. 

2. Publishing mosaic dataset as an Image service so similar workflows (assign elevation to points, as well as visualization) can be achieved via web servers (we have image server in our Enterprise instance for this). 

Any tutorials or high level process steps could help - I'm saavy in ArcGIS space, just not imagery / raster space. 

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