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Has anyone been able to share a Web Tool to Portal for ArcGIS from ArcGIS Pro?

03-29-2018 07:09 AM
Deactivated User

I have received the same nondescript "Staging failed" error when attempting to publish singular analysis tools, such as Clip, as well as more complex models that leverage multiple tools.

The model I am trying to publish was originally created and published as a geoprocessing service in ArcMap 10.6.  I migrated to model to ArcGIS Pro 2.1.2 where I could take advantage of the new "Add Relate" tool to improve the model output.  I have completely rebuilt the model in ArcGIS Pro and successfully executed it locally, but attempts to get it to publish to Portal as a Web Tool fail.   I have been able to successfully publish feature services, map image services, tiled services, etc to the same Portal using ArcGIS Pro 2.1.2 and can't understand why I'm getting errors only when I attempt to publish Web Tool

My previous case relates to BUG-000111032

I'd like to know if anyone else if having trouble sharing web tools to Portal from ArcGIS Pro.  Are there any Portal configurations that I may have incorrect that is preventing me from publishing Web Tools?  

12 Replies
Esri Community Moderator
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Deactivated User

Yes, product documentation is usually the first place I start.  I am slightly alarmed at having been unable to publish a model, let alone a simple geoprocessing tool using the latest software up to this point.  Any insight you can provide regarding the "Staging Failed" error (no other details) I receive when attempting to publish a Web Tool would be helpful.  I'm using ArcGIS Pro 2.1.2 with Enterprise 10.6.1.  

The only info I have regarding BUG-000111032 is that status has been updated to "In Product Plan".  Not sure what this actually means.  If you can elaborate, that information could be helpful.

The original intent of my post was to find people who have been successful publishing Web Tools using ArcGIS Pro and a federated server so we may discuss problems that may have came up or compare software configurations.

Esri Community Moderator

Thanks, Jeff.  Of course this is open for others to respond with their experiences publishing web tools.  

Since you're attached to the bug, I'm assuming you have the information that it appears when a basemap is in the map, the publishing succeeds.  Are you publishing without a basemap?  Anyway, yes, this thread isn't really to troubleshoot...

As for the meaning of "In Product Plan", it means that the development team is working on a fix.  It looks like they are going to try to get this in for Pro 2.2 with a release date of this summer, but I can't guarantee that - that is the target, things can shift.  Anyway, that is what I can provide from my side and I hope that it helps.  

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Deactivated User

I appreciate the info. Having a timeline, even an estimation, for this helps.  You're assumption is incorrect.  This is the first I am hearing about basemap (or lack thereof) conflicts when publishing Web Tools. Can you clarify that having a basemap in your map when publishing a Web Tool will result in successful publishing? In my case, there is one and it still results in "Staging Failed."

This thread is working out for tech support pretty well so far I would say.  Should we not be troubleshooting on this platform?

I sure hope that a fix for this does not "shift".  I would escalate the bug to high severity if I could...but I'm biased.

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Esri Contributor

How are you publishing your web tool ? Are you referencing registered data or copying all data? I encountered a similar error when trying to publish a web tool. The main cause for the error in my case was that the result layer which was created when running the tool in ArcGIS Pro was not accessible anymore (e.g. deleted the result in ArcGIS Pro after I ran the tool).
Maybe check where your result layer is saved or create a simple model with an input parameter, the geoprocessing tool and an output parameter. 

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Regular Contributor

After consistently receiving a "Staging Failed" error trying to publish the Export Web Map tool as a Web Tool, we can finally say we have succeeded in sharing a web tool to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 using ArcGIS Pro 2.1.

We checked this article about the "Staging Failed" error, but none of the listed causes seem to fit our issue.

The ultimate solution in ArcGIS Pro 2.1 was as follows:
a. Run "Export Web Map" Tool.
b. Share the results as a Web Tool. This is where we get the "Staging Failed" error.
c. Run "Stage Service" using the sddraft file from the "Share as Web Tool" step above. The draft file can be found under the current user name’s ArcGIS Pro sharing folder for the last process shared. (C:\Users\<USERID>\AppData\Local\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Staging\SharingProcesses\<JOBID>\<ToolName>.sddraft)
d. Run "Upload Service Definition" using the sd file generated from the Staging step above.
e. If not done as part of the publishing process, share the print service in Portal.

It might be helpful to note that according to this article, Web tools can only be shared with ArcGIS Enterprise server 10.6 or later ( Also, I believe ArCGIS Pro 2.1 is the first version to have the Export Web Map tool so maybe this will be fixed in future releases.

Incidentally, the only reason we used ArcGIS Pro instead of ArcMap 10.6, is that when we publish the Export Web Map tool with ArcMap 10.6, our web app builder print widget fails when we use that service. We traced this issue down to the print service published with ArcMap 10.6 having trouble with the print widget submitting "visibleLayers":[-1]  when a layer has no visible layers in the map. It works fine on a print service published with ArcMap 10.3 but not 10.6.

I hope this helps.

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Deactivated User

I'm convinced that the root of the problem lies somewhere in the development of the software.  Since the ArcGIS Pro 2.2 update came out a couple days ago I have been able to publish the web tool I originally had in question.  Some new errors get thrown in the analysis if parameters are missing syntax explanations, which could have been the source of the original error...but publishing still fails, seemingly randomly.  Usually I have to run and attempt publishing a  tool  multiple times before publishing succeeds. Sometimes I have to restart ArcGIS Pro to get it to succeed, sometimes I have to restart my work station completely.  I'm assuming that this shakes something loose that is throwing the error, which is either "Staging Failed" or "Failed to publish web tool".

Good news is I have been able to publish the tools I need, bad news is it doesn't always succeed.

Esri Contributor


I'm running into the "Staging failed" error when trying to publish a script tool (Creating Hosted FS Views using the API for Python) as a web tool:

I tried to manually run the "Stage Service" tool as recommended by Joseph Mootz‌ but also get an error this way:

The SharingJobLog looks the following:

"2018-07-16 10:47:11 Status: InProgress StatusMessage: Consolidating data and staging web tool
2018-07-16 10:47:11 Status: InProgress StatusMessage: Using ArcGIS Version 10.1 for staging (Source for version: GP Staging Parameters)
2018-07-16 10:47:11 Status: InProgress StatusMessage: Stage Tool initialized
2018-07-16 10:47:11 Status: InProgress StatusMessage: Consolidate data
2018-07-16 10:47:11 Status: InProgress StatusMessage: Staging GP service
2018-07-16 10:47:14 Status: Failed StatusMessage: Consolidation failed ErrorMessage: Consolidation failed
2018-07-16 10:47:15 Status: Failed StatusMessage: Staging failed ErrorMessage: Staging failed"

Any idea why the Consolidation is failing? I even copied the SD Draft out of the AppData/Local/... folder to avoid that the path would be too long. Also I'm a bit confused why it says "Using ArcGIS Version 10.1 for staging" 

Any help is very much appreciated!



Frequent Contributor

I am getting exactly the same errors here. Using ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 with ArcGIS Pro 2.2.

I am trying to use the ExportData tool for a few different themes, so there will be multiple services like this.

The weird thing is that I was able to publish two of these Web Tools, but now I cannot publish anymore. I even tried to publish on of my previous ones that worked with a different name but got the same error.

This is becoming urgent now.