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Handling of EXCEL Dokument with WKT format coordinates

11-03-2023 06:23 AM
New Contributor

I want to create a feature class (a polygon layer) from a csv file with WKT geometry for the polygons and different attributes for each polygon. The WKT is already listed as MULTIPOLYGON. (example: MULTIPOLYGON (((379791.563 5957410.1031,389791.563 5957410.1031,389791.563 5947410.1031,379791.563 5947410.1031,379791.563 5957410.1031))))

I am a relative beginner, so the only option I found was to use the FromWKT funciton, but as I never coded with Python I would prefer a tool that is ready to use within ArcGIS Pro. Is there any took for this purpose or am I stuck with From WKT. And if so, how can I use the function?


Thank you!

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