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Graphic Card AMD Radeon R7 350x

09-13-2019 08:17 AM
New Contributor

Is my graphic card has enough juice to run ARCGIS Pro? My desktop has a Graphic Card AMD Radeon R7 350x, Internal DAC 400MHZ, total graphic memory 7936 MB. Processor: i&-6700 CPU 3.40GHz and 32 GB RAM. I do not do any 3D work, just the average workflow where I might run some geoprocessing tool --clip, merge, buffer, and so on. arcgispro2.4 ##arcgispro #pro ram

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Sasquatch says that machine is more than adequate to run Pro, TODAY. With that said, that card came out in 2015, which is like the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary, and like Cretaceous Scleractinia coral, not many video cards cross that boundary as the years go on. I had the latest and greatest AMD card that eventually suffered a mass extinction event related to working with Pro that was 6 years old. I think you'll be good for at least 3 years.