I have a feature class of 2 million points. For every point, I want to find any points that are within 1 mile of radius of it, and then the distance to those points, and output that detail to a new feature class. From doing it in other software, I think the output feature class is expected to be ~900 million records, but now I am looking to do this in ArcGIS Pro. How can I achieve it?
I attempted to use Buffer for the 1 mile radius and then Spatial Join to those buffers, but I just get a "out of memory error". I also attempted to use Spatial Join but use the within 1 mile distance parameters, but also get the same error. This runs in 10 minutes using other software without issues. Is there a better method?
Generate Near Table (Analysis)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Near (Analysis)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
are your other non-code options, but I suspect it will fail with the same error. Running the tool outside of an active Pro session in a script may work,
tiling in to obvious groupings may be useful if you have any clustering in the data, but that depends on the existing spatial pattern