I cannot find the "feature class to feature class" geoprocessing tool in the geoprocessing pane. I have tried to check relevant toolboxes (I know that it is supposed to be found in the conversion tools toolbox) and searching for it outright in the geoprocessing pane and cannot find it. Are there any suggestions or steps I could take to correct this?
I think I ran into this also some time ago; I think that the fc to fc geoprocessing tool may be obsolete; instead there are 'features to <geometry>' tools that you use instead. I'd be interested to know if I'm incorrect about this though.
The answer depends upon the version of Pro you're using. If you're using a newer version you can look for the "export features" tool.
I use 3.1.1 and the "feature class to feature class" tool is still available but it's accompanied by the following pop-up:
Hope that helps.
new tool, new location