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Failed to execute saveToolbox to version

12-27-2023 09:28 PM
New Contributor III

Hi everyone 


Im trying to execute save toolbox to version in arcgis pro 3.2 the input toolbox ask for .tbx tool box , but when i open the arcgis pro toolbox all shown as files and not like a toolbox. How i can resolve it please!


sorry for the image quality im working offline 






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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

That option is meant for toolboxes you create, you are looking at unzipped versions of system toolboxes.  You can't save those to different versions

... sort of retired...
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New Contributor III

when i open arcmap toolbox file path it appear like a toolbox 🧰, but arcpro its appear like a file , also the tool work with acrmap tools and not working with pro tools

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