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Fail to update basemap & receiving a warning that my subscription has expired

01-15-2024 05:23 PM
New Contributor

- I am having trouble with the following issues:
- When using ArcGIS Pro, I cannot connect to the basemap and cannot share data as a web map.

  " Failed to update basemap, selected basemap is not supported at this time."
- When logging into ArcGIS Online for the first time, I receive a warning that my subscription has expired, and even after going online, the features are not working.
- I would appreciate your assistance with this matter.

1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

One reason that users see this error message of "Failed to update basemap, selected basemap is not supported at this time" is that you have insufficient credits in your ArcGIS Online account.

You can learn more about this message here.

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