I'm trying to implement
Extracting Building Footprints (https://developers.arcgis.com/python/sample-notebooks/extracting-building-footprints-from-drone-data/) From Drone Data from but at step
# Prepare Data
data = prepare_data(path=r'C:\ML1',chip_size=400, batch_size=8)
I got error Install them using 'conda install -c pytorch -c fastai fastai=1.0.54 pytorch=1.1.0 torchvision scikit-image'"""
After installing same again i found that problem still remains same. I tried to debug further and saw in _data.py
import numpy as np
from fastai.vision.data import imagenet_stats, ImageList, bb_pad_collate
from fastai.vision.transform import crop, rotate, dihedral_affine, brightness, contrast, skew, rand_zoom, get_transforms, flip_lr
from fastai.vision import ImageDataBunch
from fastai.torch_core import data_collate
import torch/* Upto this point it HAS_FASTAI result True but after below line throws exception */
from .models._ssd_utils import SSDObjectItemList
from .models._unet_utils import ArcGISSegmentationItemList, ArcGISSegmentationMSItemList, _show_batch_unet_multispectral, is_no_color
from .models._maskrcnn_utils import ArcGISInstanceSegmentationItemList, ArcGISInstanceSegmentationMSItemList
from .models._ner_utils import ner_prepare_data
from ._utils import ArcGISMSImageList
from ._utils.labeled_tiles import show_batch_labeled_tiles
from ._utils.rcnn_masks import show_batch_rcnn_masks
from ._utils.pascal_voc_rectangles import SSDObjectMSItemList, show_batch_pascal_voc_rectangles
import random
HAS_FASTAI = Trueexcept:
This line throws error
from .models._ssd_utils import SSDObjectItemList
In case you still face this issue, please try creating a fresh deep learning environment using the steps given at arcgis-python-api/install-and-set-up.ipynb at 510ec1d8800e6b4839088807bfc33977cd477ef1 · Esri/arcgis...
In case you still face this issue, please try creating a fresh deep learning environment using the steps given at arcgis-python-api/install-and-set-up.ipynb at 510ec1d8800e6b4839088807bfc33977cd477ef1 · Esri/arcgis...