Hey All,
I've got a project for a museum that wants an offline, non-GIS, clickable map. The base is an archival map (jpg) that I have georeferenced. On top of that I have a few hundred GIS points that correspond with locations shown on the archival map. What they want is their original jpg along with clickable 'hotspots' - i.e., an imagemap for the jpg.
The final product will be available via a touchscreen kiosk. The map will not be zoomable or pan-able. Just a static image with clickable links. My points do not need to show up on the map at all (they are just used to get the page coordinates that align with existing 'features' in the jpg image. When a user clicks on a hotspot link (on the jpg) a popup panel will open with photo, history, etc. The museum wants this to work entirely offline, so not a web map/app, etc. Just an old-school clickable jpg file.
I'm not the html person on the team, but my understanding is that if I can supply them with a list of coordinates / links / text / photo URL they can code that into popups for the html page (using JS or the like as needed).
Any ideas for how to go from the lat-long coordinates of my GIS points to the page coordinates of the jpg to create the hotspots?
Also, I'd like to be able to do this periodically in the future (so a model or replicable workflow would be great), while still keeping my original points in the GIS database.
Thoughts and suggestions appreciated,
Unless I'm overthinking this, it seems pretty easy- export your map as a JPG twice- one version that includes small point symbols for the areas you need to define for the hot spots and a second version without them. Next, use one of the online image map generator websites with your JPG with the point symbols in it to determine what the x,y image coordinates should be for those hot spots.
Once you have that list of x,y coordinates built, send that along with the JPG without the point symbols to your HTML person.