I noticed that ever since I updated my ArcGIS Pro to 3.4, I sometimes run into error split my line feature.
With more try and error, I realize the error happens only when I am splitting at a vertex point.
In the past, I never had issue with splitting at an vertex. I wonder if this is by design or a bug?
Hello @HanZheng , yes ArcGIS Pro 3.4.0 does indeed seem to show that message when using Split at a vertex. Let me check some more details of this in case it is a defect.
Hello @HanZheng , in ArcGIS Pro 3.4.0 I can reproduce the problem, exactly as you have described, eg using a simple Line stored in a File Geodatabase. But when I try to Split a line at a vertex in the same way in ArcGIS Pro 3.3.2, it works fine. So your next step should be to open a Support case for this to be investigated as a potential bug.
Thanks for verifying this. Just submitted a support case.
I can confirm that this is also happening for me ever since upgrading to ArcGIS Pro 3.4.0
Splitting using the Interactive option fails with the error "Splitting Line Features failed" if you click to split on a vertex.
I have been running into the same repeatable error. Thanks for bringing to my attention that a polyline can still be split on an edge (I thought it was completely broken).
A new development to the issue.
I received a call back from Esri Support Team. I was told by the Esri staff that she was able to replicate the issue under certain circumstance and she may know what triggered the issue.
According to her, the error only occurred to her when feature class is using a different coordinate system as map. I tested on my end and it appeared to be the case. When I changed Map coordinate system to be consistent with the layer, the error went away.
Update: Esri has documented it as BUG-000172550 and notified me this will be addressed in an upcoming release or general patch