I am new here and this is the first time I am using the Deep Learning Tools in ArcGIS Pro.
I am trying to use the "Export Training Data For Deep Learning" tool to create my training data using a raster and a .shp file with a class attribute of integer type. However, whenever I mention the column name class in Class Value Field, it says Error 000308 Invalid Field Type.
I have seen the Use Training Samples Manager suggestion but I already have a well defined shapefile of polygons with labels in the attribute field class, so I don't see why I need to redraw polygons again.
Please kindly assist, thank you!
@alinaf I totally agree with you. It should work. What version of ArcGIS Pro are you using? Can you share your .shp (with just one feature in it) I can test it at my end to see if there is any software issue.
Thanks in advance for your help.
A side note: We have an ArcGIS Image Analyst dedicated community and here you might get response sooner on imagery related issues/questions.
Pavan Yadav | Product Engineer - Imagery and AI
Esri | 380 New York | Redlands, 92373 | USA