I am having issues with the elevation void fill function in arcgis pro.
Im trying to make a map of the groundwater level of a municipalety in the Netherlands. After the elevation void fill function creates a new layer arcgis slows down significantly, with my cpu usage (intel i7-8565U) staying between 50 and 100%. Otherwise it seems fine untill i try to use or alter the layer. After about 5 to 20 minutes the red exclamation mark will appear and the layer source is nowhere to be found. I will be able to, for example, edit te symbology for a while, untill I can't, then the layer goes blank and the red exclamation mark appears.
I ran the tool again and could not find the source even when the layer was still responding normally.
Does anyone know how to fix it or why it is happening?
Are you saving the output as a *.tif in a local folder? If not, try that for the output rather than a gdb raster and cloud storage isn't supported (eg onedrive etc)
I moved the project to a local folder, but it didn't seem to help. I can't see what type of file it is because the file does not show up anywhere. I also just noticed that in the layer properties it does not include the file name in the source, It just says C:\ArcGIS\Projects\projectname\projectname.gdb
I realize most files dont have the layer name in the source, so that is probably normal. I have also tried the tool on another layer with the same result.
save the raster to a folder with a *tif file extension, not a geodatabase
It's solved! Thanks for your reply. Tough I couldn't figure out how to change where the raster was saved, it made me look at my base data and realize it was wrong. For some reason the layer that I was using the tool on was saved as an *ADF file. I used the tool Raster to other Format to change it to an *tif file. This seems to have fixed the problem.
Glad the problem was solved