I downloaded a bunch of e00 files and was wondering if there is a way to open / import them without having to purchase the Data Interoperability extension. I have not worked with this type of file before and in researching the topic, all I can figure out is that I need the extension. Any help is appreciated!
Solved! Go to Solution.
So it is possible to import the ArcInfo Interchange files (*.e00) using ArcMap with an Advanced license with ArcInfo Workstation installed. There is an ArcMap GP tool to do this called Import From Interchange File but without those components then the Data Interoperability extension is your only way to my knowledge.
I did not get a chance to try them. We only have ArcPro and not ArcMap and from what I read, I would need to get the extension in order to do what I needed to . I was able to get the data in a different format to use which solved the problem for me.
So it is possible to import the ArcInfo Interchange files (*.e00) using ArcMap with an Advanced license with ArcInfo Workstation installed. There is an ArcMap GP tool to do this called Import From Interchange File but without those components then the Data Interoperability extension is your only way to my knowledge.
@Robert_LeClair wrote:So it is possible to import the ArcInfo Interchange files (*.e00) using ArcMap with an Advanced license with ArcInfo Workstation installed.
According to the docs, you can import at any license level (without ArcInfo workstation) using the Import from E00 (Conversion) tool
However this tool is only available with ArcGIS Desktop, not ArcGIS Pro.
My guess is FME from Safe Software would work as well. Safe Software | FME | Data Integration Platform
See if you try it for free and get what you need.
A bit tedious but you can download an ArcView GIS era 32 bit import utility from here: https://www.softpaz.com/software/download-import71-utility-windows-63428.htm
This imports the e00 creating a folder with the name of the e00 you assigned and a shared "info" folder. It might fail if the e00 was compressed or failed to meet the 8.3 naming convention. ArcGIS Pro cannot display coverage feature classes so they must be converted to geodatabase or shapefile feature classes.
To do so in Python:
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\ArcGIS_Pro_Training\v3pt0\Data\fma_v410"
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion("polygon", "AG_TrainingMain.gdb" , "FMA_polygon")
Line 2: The workspace where the e00 is located, fma_v410 in my example.
The coverage will have more than one feature class such as arc, label, polygon and tic, so each one you want needs to be processed.
Line 3: In my example I want the "polygon" feature class to be placed into my Projects Home file geodatabase and named "FMA_Polygon"
Line 4: I commented out the last line but I always run Repair Geometry on polygon and line features that I am unfamiliar with.
I am sure there is a better way but this works for me, besides I have the Data Interoperability Extension😁.
Hello Cynthia,
did you try any of the suggestions above? were you able to open the e00 files?
I did not get a chance to try them. We only have ArcPro and not ArcMap and from what I read, I would need to get the extension in order to do what I needed to . I was able to get the data in a different format to use which solved the problem for me.