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Does ArcGIS Pro use the ArcGIS Runtime for .NET?

05-29-2015 08:27 AM
Deactivated User

Does anyone know if ArcGIS Pro makes use of the ArcGIS Runtime for .NET?  I'm just curious after watching esri Dev Summit videos about the Runtime whether the Pro team used this in its work.

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor

Here's what they say on the FAQ page about extending ArcGIS Pro:

Frequently asked questions—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS for Professionals

" can be automated and extended through Python and a .NET API and SDK (available in a future release)"

I found this as well:

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET Coming Soon | ArcGIS Blog

Esri Regular Contributor


It sounds like you're not asking about the developer API.

It sounds like you're asking if ArcGIS Pro was built on Runtime for .NET.

If that's your question - the short answer is no. 


The visualization system in Pro for 2D evolved from the visualization engine and mapping system we originally built for server at 9.3.1, and also used in "Basemap Layers" and "Accelerated Rasters" at 10.0.  Obviously we've added quite a few new features since then, not the least of which is the 3D side of visualization

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