Do you have a feature class that represents your addresses?
If so, I believe the select by location will accomplish your goal.
Do you have access to either the esri World Geocoder or a locally constructed locator with either address points or street centerline ranges?
There are probably faster ways to do this but this is my method. Also check out
1 - Get your reference point for the polygon (centroid, etc) and calculate geometry to store X,Y location and address as fields in the attribute table
2 - Export polygon attribute table to table making sure a reference value back to the polygon as well as XX,Y, and address data
3 - Geocode table created in step 2 making sure to store all data.
4 - Use XY to Line Geoprecessing tool to create lines with reference and geocoded coordinates as end points. This also has the benefit of creating a fishbone dataset that might show crossing lines for bad addresses. Alternatively if the X/Y values are projected as opposed to lat/lon maybe just use Pythagorean distance calc in python.
I ended up: