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Data Interoperability tool not working, but have licence

01-09-2024 03:04 AM
Emerging Contributor


I need to use the quick import tool to add a .gml file to ArcPro 3.1.3, but I get a "tool failed to open" error message and "The Data Interoperability Extension is not installed, please install and restart Pro" message.

When I click on Project> Licensing - in says that I have a Data Interoperability licence.  Also, when I go to MyESRI, if I go to My settings> Licences> Licensed Products - Data Interoperability is listed, but not option to download.

I have an organisational account (university) and as far as I was aware we have licences for all extensions not greyed out under ESRI extensions - so confused as to why it asking me to download it.

Can anyone give advice as to next steps?





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4 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

You may need to install the Data Interop extension from My Esri. There are 2 parts to Data Interop within ArcGIS Pro; the license (which you seem to have) and the Data Interop extension (download from My Esri).


You can see the download from the screenshot above that would be available in My Esri. Have your school IT download that and run it on the machine that you are using for Data Interop. This should get you moving forward.

Can you check the machines Programs & Features list to see if Data Interop is listed?

--- George T.
MVP Esteemed Contributor

As George suggested, the download option may be disabled at the University level.  This is what you should see if you could download it


... sort of retired...
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New Contributor

Following your instructions DanPatterson but I can't find a list of the plugins I need to download. Could I have a direct link?

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Esri Contributor

Hello Kate,

Since you have an Esri account through a University you will need to contact the Esri Adminstratrator at the University you attend to get access to the Data Interoperability software download.  You will then need to download the Extensin- make sure you download the Extension for either ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) which is 32-bit, or for ArcGIS Pro if that is the application you are using.  Pro is 64-bit and the ArcMap download will not work with ArcGIS Pro.

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