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Custom expressions for symbology—ArcGIS Pro

02-01-2024 07:08 PM
Labels (3)
Occasional Contributor

I have a predefined Symbol style where each symbol is abbreviatedly named/coded. The polygon feature class(es) contains two attributes; Name and ColorSymbol in which null not permitted (see pic below). The first names a lot of feature(s), and the second contains the abbreviation/code of the corresponding symbol from the predefined style.

For symbology I use GP toll 'Much Layer Symbology To A Style', but instead of abbreviations/codes of symbols in the Content Panel/legend (see pic bellow)


I would like to return/see the Names of feature(s);

All attempts to do this with the Arcade expression similar to this; $feature.ColorSymbol
return $feature.Name or $feature.ColorSymbol
return $feature.Name == 'Name'
 have been unsuccessful.
Is there any way to do this in one or possibly two steps using the Arcade functions. Any help/suggestion is welcome!

I work in ArcGIS Pro ver. 3.2.1

Thank you!

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