I am working with a 3D GIS project which involves many multi-patch feature classes which are mostly Building Models created in various environments and then imported into ArcGIS.So, most of them are "open multi-patch" features.
The goal is to create cross section of those features either as a multi-patch layer or just for visualizing purpose. I tried "Intersect 3D" tool of 3D Analyst but it requires it to be a closed multipatch layer, but its not.
Is there any possible methods to create or visualize the cross section of those images in ArcGIS or ArcGIS Pro?
And you don't want to close them or they can't be closed? Since there are tools to close them
An overview of the 3D Features toolset—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
I don't want to close them. But if there were any chances to close them and able to run a "intersect 3d" tool, I like to use it.
I tried enclose multipatch which created the enclosed multipatch feature class. But that is not creating result from intersect 3D tool. I think that the method of closing the polygons is not working or I have to use another tool. Any advises?
No, I would have to see a visual of what you are trying to accomplish
Arun, Section Sketch will draw sections through mutipatches. If yours cause a particular problem we'd be happy to take a look. More info here Section Sketch — Frogtech Geoscience