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Create Tile Package stuck at 100% for hours

06-10-2020 12:26 PM
Occasional Contributor

I'm trying to create a tile package in ArcGIS Pro to use on a Collector map. I'm using clipped NAIP imagery. It keeps getting stuck at 100% for hours and not completing. I've tried leaving it overnight. It has all the required things: pyramids, a map description, etc. I've tried restarting Pro and restarting my computer. I can't figure out what could be preventing it from completing and would very much appreciate any suggestions. My Pro version is current.


18 Replies
Emerging Contributor

I've found a solution working in my case.

Similar as described here maybe the _  in some names was a problem. Because now instead of  40+ hours to infinity, it took  3 hours  25 minutes for a maximum detail level of 16. Minimum level was 0.


Everything else I did as described here:

Creating a basemap to mashup with another basemap you found online can be tricky. In this video I'll cover how to steal the important bits from the map you like so you can create a custom raster tile tiling scheme file for use when generating basemap cache in ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Enterprise ...
Frequent Contributor

Same here. Anyone with a workaround ?

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Regular Contributor

Hello, I'm running into this problem too. I actually need a tile package and can't just make cache. I've run sample data sets that are small, super simple with only a few high level tile levels and it just hangs at 100 and I end up killing it. Has ESRI created a bug for this?

Emerging Contributor

Come on ESRI, you have plenty of people paying and arm and a leg for your services...have you sorted this issue? I have come across the same issue.

Regular Contributor

I am also having this same issue with a non-naip based service. I have been able to get it to work at zoom level 12 but nothing above. ZL 12 is not useful for any on-the-ground mapping though. 

Any tips or help from a helpful ESRI person would be great!

Thanks to the community for your answers and suggestions.


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Emerging Contributor

I was able to achieve what I wanted to (but had to use credits) by creating a Web Map instead of a Tile package FYI.

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Frequent Contributor

I have this issue with ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2  I have tried multiple attempts at Create Map Tile Cache and all get stuck at 99%.   The right amount of cache is created in the right folder during the time estimated, but it never sticks the landing.  It just does not finish. 

I tried removing all spaces from names and paths, moved everything to a local SSD, checked geometry errors, put on a magnetic bracelet and lit an aromatherapy candle.  Still no joy.   I wrote an arcpy script and didn't even open Pro, and it still failed to complete even one level of map tile cache.

I disconnected my company VPN, and on the next attempt, the Python script worked!  This is now repeatable. succeeds when the script is started with no access to the company network.  If the script starts with network access it never completes.

I have since found the same happens in Pro using the GUI.  It works when no company network is available.

I have no idea if it is related to accessing the licence server or some firewall rule on my company's side. But I you are stuck too, try checking out a licence pulling the blue cable and disconnecting from wifi.  Strange but true.

by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor

I am also having this same issue in Pro 3.2. The tool has been running all afternoon at 100%

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Occasional Contributor

Same issue 😞 Trying to run Create Map Tile Package. It zooms right up to 100% and then never completes. 

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