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Create quarter-circle graphic in layout

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Occasional Contributor

In the "Graphics and Text" section of the Insert tab in Pro, the polygon shapes that can be drawn and added to a Layout do not include a quarter-circle. I spent some time trying to edit the vertices of a half-circle, but there was no way of dividing (splitting) the shape in half to get a quarter-circle. Google searches were not fruitful, so I'm hoping this helps people out who might be trying to do the same thing. 

In the "Graphic" ribbon for that half-circle, I noticed that the "Edit" section had an option for "Edit Vertices" (which didn't work, as mentioned), but I looked at the "Merge Shapes" dropdown and figured out that the "Subtract" function can be used on two half-circles that are aligned/snapped to one another (with one of them rotated 90 degrees) to remove the overlapping parts, leaving the desired quarter-circle as a result. 




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