I am working on constraint and calculation rules on a feature service. Based upon the user input of a field mydata in feature set called JohnTestPoly I filter a stand-alone table Nomenclaure for that value in a field called NOM_REG_NO and return the associated value of feat_name. The feat_name is written into another field Description in JohnTestPoly. After the calculation and constraints are done. I can click on new feature and a pop-up shows the attributes. I did not create the pop-up which is labeled JOHNTESTPoly_New.
What I would like to do is give the user feedback to the user showing the input mydata string and the associated feat_name value. Preferably this would happen before the new feature is created. The user given a chance to change the input mydata value.
Is there a way to use pop-ups to give that feedback?
I was thinking just to popup.open the existing pop-up? Is this possible. How to do it?
Can pop-ups even be created/opened within calculation or constraint rules?
Thanks for suggestions on a way forward.